CC1 - Sean Connery as James Bond
from "Dr. No"
(James Bond 40th Anniversary Set - 2002)

CC2 - Christopher Walken as Max Zorin
from "A View to a Kill"
(James Bond 40th Anniversary Set - 2002)

CC3 - Patrick Macnee as Sir Godfrey Tibbett
from "A View to a Kill"
(James Bond 40th Anniversary Set - 2002 - Binder Card)

CC4 - Roger Moore as James Bond from "A View to a Kill"
(James Bond: Dangerous Liaisons - 2006 - Case Card)

CC5 - Julian Glover as Aristotle Kristatos
from "For Your Eyes Only"
(Quotable James Bond - 2004 - Binder Card - Blue Variant)

CC5 - Julian Glover as Aristotle Kristatos
from "For Your Eyes Only"
(Quotable James Bond - 2004- Binder Card - White Variant)

CC6 - Halle Berry as Jinx
from "Die Another Day"
(James Bond: Dangerous Liaisons - 2006 - 2-Case Incentive Card)

CC7 Daniel Craig as James Bond #367/500
from "Casino Royale"
(James Bond: Casino Royale - Preview Set - 2006)

DC1 - Daniel Craig as James Bond Dual Costume from "Casino Royale"
(The Complete James Bond - 2007 - Case Card)

MP1 Movie Poster Case Card 624/777
(James Bond: Die Another Day - 2002)

AC1 "From the Archives" Camo Costume Case Card
(James Bond: Die Another Day - 2002)

AC2 "From the Archives" Wetsuit Costume Card
(James Bond: Die Another Day Expansion Set - 2003)
